Project: Total management of large-scale projects

Corporate Housing Solutions specialises in short-stay and long-stay corporate housing. Its core business consists of renting out short-stay accommodation on a nightly basis to highly skilled migrants from around the world. Comfort is a top priority at Corporate Housing Solutions, which aims to offer accommodation that makes a real difference. ZUID Beheer was tasked with finding suitable properties that met the demands and requirements of Corporate Housing Solutions. In addition to searching the housing market, ZUID Beheer was closely involved in the contract phase, playing an advisory and supervisory role. 

Short-stay apartments generally come fully furnished. Corporate Housing Solutions relied on the experience and expertise of ZUID Beheer in fulfilling this need as well. We met with the client and identified the requirements, which included finding a spacious apartment that had a cosy and homely feel. 

Once these wishes were clear, we determined the preferred style, materials and colour combinations. All of this was included in our detailed proposal. Once approved by the client, we implemented the plan in practice and made sure the apartments were cleaned, furnished and decorated so they could be rented out. Finally, we calculated the cleaning costs and appointed a team to clean the apartments according to a fixed schedule. 

We are extremely proud of our collaboration with Corporate Housing Solutions. In total we found, rented out and furnished more than 160 apartments and look forward to working on many more projects together in the future. 

    Your ambition, our challenge. Contact our real estate manager.